Invasive Plant Identification Videos

The Renz Lab has produced a series of short videos instructing viewers how to correctly identify a variety of terrestrial invasive plant species found in Wisconsin.

The videos cover the following invasive plant species, most of which are found on the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resource’s NR 40 list of regulated invasive species.

Scientific NameCommon NameVideo
Ailanthus altissimatree-of-heavenVideo
Alliaria petiolataGarlic MustardLong Video
Short Video
Anthriscus sylvestriswild chervilVideo
Bunias orientalishill mustardVideo
Campanula rapunculoidescreeping bellflowerVideo
Carduus acanthoidesplumeless thistleVideo
Centaurea stoebespotted knapweedVideo
Cirsium arvenseCanada thistleVideo
Conium maculatumpoison hemlockVideo
Dipsacus follonumcommon teaselVideo
Euphorbia esulaleafy spurgeVideo
Galium mollugosmooth bedstrawVideo
Hesperis matronalisdame's rocketVideo
Humulus japonicusJapanese hopVideo
Lepidium latifoliumperennial pepperweedVideo
Lonicera spp.bush honeysucklesVideo
Pastinaca sativawild parsnipVideo
Ranunculus ficarialesser celandineVideo
Securigera variacrown vetchVideo
Tanacetum vulgarecommon tansyVideo
Thladiantha dubiagoldencreeper / red hailstoneVideo
Torilis japonicaJapanese hedge parsleyVideo
Vincetoxicum nigrumblack swallow wortVideo