Current Research Projects
- Integrating common control methods for wild parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) near roads with imazapic + metsulfuron for grass height suppression – 2020 WSSA Conference Abstract | Poster
- Do applications of systemic herbicides when green fruit are present prevent seed production or viability of Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard)? – 2019 IIPC Conference Abstract | Poster
- Waterhemp Management with Residual Herbicides in Established Alfalfa – 2019 NCWSS Conference Poster
- Weed Control, Clover Injury, and Resulting Yield From GF-3731 in Rotationally Grazed Pastures – 2019 NCWSS Conference Poster
- HBT Intervention Strategies Protecting Critical Habitat Assets against Invasive Species. (Hawaii Invasive Species Council) Abstract
- Increasing invasive species monitoring and effectiveness through the Wisconsin First Detector Network. (United States Department of Agriculture Animal Plant and Health Inspection Service – Plant Protection and Quarantine [USDA APHIS PPQ]) Abstract
- Identifying factors to optimize establishment of alfalfa interseeded in corn (National Institute of Food and Agriculture) Abstract
- Minimizing the impact of invasive plants in the Kickapoo Valley (Nuzum Reforestation Fund) Abstract
- Regional Roadside Turfgrass Testing Program. (Wisconsin Department of Transportation) Abstract
- Understanding opportunities and challenges associated with grazing public grasslands of Wisconsin. (National Institute of Food and Agriculture) Abstract
- Development and deployment of habitat suitability models under current and future climate for regulated invasive plants in Wisconsin (National Institute of Food and Agriculture) Abstract