Published Papers
Grabber, JH; Dias, J.L.C.S.; Renz, MJ. Establishment of Alfalfa Intercropped under Corn in Response to Varying Rates of Prohexadione with or without Fungicide Plus Insecticide. Agronomy 2023, 13, 2823 Abstract
Osterholz, WR, Ruark MD, Renz MJ and Grabber JH. 2023. Interseeded alfalfa N2 fixation and transfer to maize are reduced by N fertilizer. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 126:67–79. Abstract
Faleco FA, Oliveira MC, Arneson NJ, Renz MJ, Stoltenberg DE and Werle R. 2022. Multiple resistance to imazethapyr, atrazine, and glyphosate in a recently introduced Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) accession in Wisconsin. Weed Technology 36:597-608. Abstract
Faleco FA, Oliveira MC, Arneson NJ, Renz MJ, Stoltenberg DE and Werle R. 2022. Multiple herbicide resistance in waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus) accessions from Wisconsin. Weed Technology 36:597-608. Abstract
Grabber JH, Smith DL, Osterholz, WR, and Renz MJ. 2021. Establishment and first year yield of interseeded alfalfa as influenced by corn plant density and treatment with prohexadione, fungicide and insecticide. Agronomy 11:2021-2343. Abstract
Jorgensen NA and Renz MJ. 2021. Assessing the performance and accuracy of invasive plant habitat suitability models in detecting new observations in Wisconsin. Invasive Plant Science and Management. 1-9. Abstract **** voted outstanding article, 2022 IPSM journal****
Su Y, Renz MJ, Cui, B, Sun X, Ouyang Z, & Wang X. 2021. Leaf Morphological and Nutrient Traits of Common Woody Plants Change Along the Urban-rural Gradient in Beijing, China. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12:1-10. Abstract
Osterholz, W, Ruark MD, Renz MJ and Grabber, JH. 2021. Benefits of alfalfa interseeding include reduced residual soil nitrate following corn production. Agricultural & Environmental Letters 6:e20053. Open Access
Osterholz, W, Ruark MD, Renz MJ, Grabber JH. 2021. Interseeding alfalfa into corn silage increases corn N fertilizer demand and increases system yield. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 41:58. Abstract
Roth L., Dias, J., Evans, C., Rohling, K., & Renz MJ. 2021. Do applications of systemic herbicides when green fruit are present prevent seed production or viability of garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata)? Invasive Plant Science and Management 14(2):101-105. Abstract
Grabber JH., Osterholz, W, Riday H, Cassida KA, Williamson JA, and Renz MJ. 2021. Differential Survival of Alfalfa Varieties Interseeded into Corn Silage. Crop Science 61: 1501-2241. (cover) Abstract
Jorgensen NA, Leary J, and Renz MJ. 2021. Characterizing the Suitable Habitat of Miconia calvescens in the East Maui Watershed. Management of Biological Invasions 12:313-330. Open Access
Osterholz, W,Carvalho de Souza Dias, JL,Grabber JH and Renz MJ. 2020.PRE-and POST-applied herbicides options for alfalfa interseeded with corn silage. Weed Technology 104:1-8. Abstract
Osterholz, W, Grabber JH and Renz MJ. 2020. Alfalfa establishment by interseeding projected to increase profitability of corn silage-alfalfa rotations. Agronomy Journal 112:4120-4132. Abstract
Zegler CH, Brink GE, Renz MJ, and Ruark MD. 2020. Assessing the importance of plant, soil and management factors affecting potential milk production on organic pastures using regression tree analysis. Agricultural Systems 180:1-10. Abstract
Osterholz W, Grabber JH and Renz MJ. 2019. Interseeded alfalfa reduces soil and nutrient runoff losses during and after corn silage production. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 74(1): 85-90 Abstract
Gurda AM, Renz MJ and Brink GE. 2018. Defining Mob Grazing in the Upper Midwestern United States. Journal of Extension 56:1-8. Abstract
Zegler CH, Brink GE, Renz MJ, Ruark MD, and Casler MD. 2018. Management Effects on Forage Productivity, Nutritive Value, and Legume Persistence in Rotationally Grazed Pastures. Crop Science 58:1-8. Abstract
Osterholz W, Grabber JH and Renz MJ. 2018. Adjuvants for Prohexadione-Calcium Applied to Alfalfa Interseeded into Corn. Agronomy Journal. 110:2687–2690. Abstract
Jorgensen NA, Mink J, Soldat D, Stier J, Renz MJ. Effects of soil compaction on the germination and survival of common prairie forbs and grasses in Wisconsin prairie revegetation. Native Plants Journal 19:4-13. Abstract
Osterholz W, Renz MJ, Lauer JG, Grabber JH. 2018. Prohexadione rate and timing effects on alfalfa interseeded into silage corn. Agronomy Journal. 110: 85-94. Abstract
Miesel JR, Jach-Smith LC, Renz MJ, Jackson RD. 2017. Distribution of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) aboveground biomass in response to nitrogen addition and across harvest dates. Biomass and Bioenergy 100:74-83. Abstract
Jorgensen NA, Moechnig MJ, Halstvedt MB, Renz MJ. 2017. Native Forb Establishment Following a Single Herbicide Application. Journal of Invasive Plant Science and Management 10:90-98. Abstract
Larson AD, Renz MJ and Stoltenberg DE. 2016. Effects of Giant and Yellow Foxtail Competition on Establishment and Productivity of Switchgrass. Weed Science 64:129-136. Abstract
Crall AW, Jarnevich CS, Young NE, Panke BJ, Renz MJ, Stohlgren TJ. 2015. Citizen science contributes to our knowledge of invasive plant species distributions. Biological Invasions 17:2415-2427. Abstract
Van Rossum J and Renz MJ. 2015. Composting Reduces Seed Viability of Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) and Common Buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica). Journal of Invasive Plant Science and Management 8:284–291. Abstract
Renz MJ and Heflin 2014. Impact of mowing timing on Japanese hedgeparsley (Torilis japonica) seed production and viability. Journal of Invasive Plant Science and Management 7:511-516. Abstract
Enloe SF, Johnson J, Renz MJ, Dorough H, and Tucker K. 2014. Hairy buttercup control and white clover tolerance to pasture herbicides. Forage and Grazinglands 12(1): 1-5 Abstract
Hoagland, KC, Ruark MD, Renz MJ, and Jackson RD. 2013. Agricultural Management of Switchgrass for Fuel Quality and Thermal Energy Yield on Highly Erodible Land in the Driftless Area of Southwest Wisconsin. Bioenergy Research. 6:1012-1021. Abstract
Crall AW, Jarnevich CS, Panke BJ, Young N, Renz MJ, and Morisette J. 2013. Using Habitat Suitability Models to Target Invasive Plant Species Surveys. Ecological Applications 23:60-72. Abstract
Crall AW, Renz MJ, Panke BJ, Newman GJ, Graham J, Chapin C, and Bargeron C. Developing Cost-Effective Early Detection Networks: A Regional Model. Biological Invasions. 14:2461-9. Abstract
Renz MJ, Steinmaus SJ, Gilmer DS, and DiTomaso JM. 2012. Spread dynamics of perennial pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium) in two seasonal wetlands areas. Invasive Plant Science and Management 5:57-68. Abstract
Miesel JR, Renz MJ, Doll JE, and Jackson RD. Effectiveness of weed management methods in establishment of switchgrass and a native species mixture for biofuels in Wisconsin. Biomass and Bioenergy 36:121-31. Abstract
Renz MJ and Schmidt 2012. The Effects of Increasing Grazing Height on Establishment of Pasture Weeds in Management-Intensive Rotationally Grazed Pastures. Weed Science 52:14-23. Abstract
Crall AW, Renz MJ, Panke BJ, and Newman GJ. 2011. Is there a role for the public in monitoring invasive species? CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources 6:1-7.
Renz MJ. Establishment of forage grasses and legumes after fall herbicide applications. Online. Forage and Grazinglands doi:10.1094/FG-2010-0806-01-RS. Abstract
Renz MJ, Gibson K, Hillmer J, Howe K, Waller D, and Cardina J. 2009. Land manager and researcher perspectives on invasive plant research priorities in the midwestern United States. Invasive Plant Science and Management 2(1):83-91. Abstract
Marsalis MA, Lauriault LM, Jones SH and Renz MJ. 2008. Managing field bindweed in sorghum-wheat-fallow rotations. Online. Crop Management doi:10.1094/CM-2008-0818-01-RS. Abstract
Renz MJ and DiTomaso JM. 2006. Early season mowing improves the effectiveness of chlorsulfuron and glyphosate for control of perennial pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium L.). Weed Technology 20:32-36. Abstract
Renz MJ and DiTomaso JM. 2004. Mechanism for the enhanced effect of mowing followed by glyphosate to resprouts of perennial pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium L.). Weed Science 52:14-23. Abstract
Renz MJ and Blank RR. 2004. Influence of perennial pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium L.) biology and plant-soil relationships on management and restoration. Weed Technology 18:1359-64. Abstract
Duncan CL, Jachetta JJ, Brown M L, Carrithers VF, Clark JK, DiTomaso JM, Lym RG, McDaniel KC, Renz MJ and Rice PM. 2004. Assessing the economic, environmental and societal losses from invasive plants on rangeland and wildlands. Weed Technology 18:1411-16. Abstract